Friday, 13 October 2023

Outline Of Chapter 4

Martin (2013: 10-1):

Blogger Comments:

This foreshadows the misleading misunderstandings to appear in Chapter 4.

Firstly, it is not language that "privileges" systems over structure or formalises systemic relations as system networks but Systemic Functional Linguistics. Here Martin mistakes the data for the theory.

Secondly, it is the principles underlying the metafunctions that "bundle" clause systems, not the reverse. The metafunctions give rise to the systems, not the reverse. The systems are devised according to the metafunctions, not the reverse.

Thirdly, it is the modelling of constituency as rank that "bundles" systems, not the reverse. The systems are devised according to rank, not the reverse.

Fourthly, metafunction and rank are not based on axis. Metafunction, rank and axis are distinct dimensions, and metafunction differs from axis and rank in being a global rather than a local dimension. Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 32):

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