Thursday, 5 October 2023

Misunderstanding Units, Elements And Systems As Relationships

Martin (2013: 7):

Blogger Comments:

This is misleading, because none of these is a term for a relationship, since:

  • noun is a term for a class of formal constituent,
  • clause is a term for a formal constituent,
  • Subject and Theme are terms for elements of structure,
  • DEIXIS and TRANSITIVITY are terms for systems in which features are paradigmatically related.
Martin has simply mistaken what can be in a relationship with the relationship itself. For example:
  • A noun can be in paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships with other words.
  • A clause can be in paradigmatic and syntagmatic relationships with other clauses.
  • A Subject can be in a syntagmatic relationship with other elements of mood structure.
  • A Theme can be in a syntagmatic relationship with other elements of thematic structure.
  • A system of DEIXIS can be in paradigmatic relationship with other systems of the nominal group.
  • A system of TRANSITIVITY can be in paradigmatic relationship with other systems of the clause.
It will be seen later that Martin mistakes an element of structure for the structural relationship itself.

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